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The Hudsonville Events Calendar has information on everything you need to know about what's going on in Hudsonville. From community festivals to farmers markets and nature hikes, check out community events for all ages. 


West Michigan Community Bank sponsors the annual summer concert series every Thursday night in June from 7p-8:30p in Veteran’s Park. Bring your family, your lawn chair, and your appetite to the Hudsonville concerts. Live music, dinner options, and free kid’s activities will be your source of entertainment one night a week for an entire month! That means four nights of fresh bands with a variety of genres projecting unique sounds through Veteran’s Park. 


Happenings on Harvey is the perfect opportunity to enjoy Summer in Hudsonville. These free, Thursday night events include children’s activities, great local businesses, music, food specials, and many more fun things to do! There is truly something for everyone in the family. Gemmen’s Home and Hardware is proud to present four different themed nights every Thursday night in July starting July 9th from 6- 8 pm in the heart of Downtown Hudsonville on Harvey Street. 

Gemmens Home & Hardware Peak.png

Todd Wenzel sponsors Hudsonville’s 7th annual free fall festival on Saturday, October 17, 2020 from 11am-4pm. Families, catch a hayride through downtown Hudsonville to start your fall festival fun. With a cup of hot cider and a fresh pumpkin donut in hand or a delicious lunch from our local food vendors, meander through the event enjoying free kids activities such as pony rides, pumpkin races, a kid’s tractor pull, and much more

Thank you to Sunset Retirement for being the sponsor of the 27th Hudsonville Holiday Parade on Saturday, November 21 starting at 10am! Bring your blankets or chairs and watch the parade travel from the Pinnacle Center, down 32nd running north, and ending at School Street and Central Blvd. Immediately following the parade is more holiday entertainment at Terra Square! Come get warm and enjoy treats, and holiday activities with us afterward.

It’s the annual Christmas Tree Lighting in Hudsonville!

Celebrate the holiday season with us on Tuesday, December 1st starting at 4pm in Downtown Hudsonville.

You and your family are invited for free kid’s activities, photos with Santa, complimentary snacks and beverages (while supplies last), horse and carriage rides throughout Hudsonville’s Downtown, and more!

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